Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Day at the Lake

Today was another very nice day. We went to the lake, and our oldest son, two daughter in laws, and a grandson joined us. It was a perfect day to be by the water. My two youngest children, and my husband, jumped off the big rocks into the lake. And, my grandson sat in the water and splashed water in his face, his mouth wide open. We watched and found him to be great entertainment. I enjoyed relaxing on the beach in the little cove we found and simply watched my family move all around me. I enjoyed the sun, the water, the chatter, the laughter, the smiles, the sand, everything about the day.
A friend of mine recently made the comment that what we have here on this earth is not as good as it gets! On days like today, as I sat on the beach watching my family play, I felt excited to think about all that I have to look forward to!
Jesus has blessed me right now with eternal life, and I get to spend eternity with the people I love. How great is that? And, when we are in heaven together, it will be far better than here on earth! But, right now, God has given us the gift of the heavenlies, He invites me and all of my family to sit with Him, and to enjoy His beauty. I'm good with that today.
Say That Again, Lord Jesus, You have invited me in!

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