Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Glorious Morning

I don't suppose that I will ever completely understand what He has done for me. But I do know that on that Glorious Morning, the tomb was empty. And, because the tomb was empty, I am not. He has promised light, hope, courage, and a completeness IN me. Because the tomb IS empty, I can experience His power, I am forgiven, I can press on towards the goal of the call of Jesus. Because of the Glorious Morning and the empty tomb, I am a citizen of heaven, a Saint waiting for the arrival of my Savior. He will transform my body into a glorious body like His own. He will make me beautiful and whole with the same powerful skill by which He is putting everything as it should be, under and around Him.
Say That Again, Jesus, It was a Glorious Morning, and the tomb is empty!


  1. Yes! Glorious morning, He has risen indeed, and forevermore my heart is occupied and filled with His presence!
    Lovin' your blog site! ♥
    Blessings for today!
    Rhea...Let's visit awhile at...
    B's a Buzzin'

    1. Enjoyed visiting your site as well, thank you for the invite! Blessings on your day!


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