Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Promise

It is a pretty rare thing for me to make a promise.  I don't say "I promise" to my kids. I don't say "I promise" to my friends. It just doesn't happen.  I think the only one I've ever made a promise to is my husband.  "I promise to love him, stay with him, support him, to be his forever friend."
God is not like that.  His Word is full of promises to me, and He keeps them all. Hmm, does that mean that since His Spirit is within me, I should not be so hesitant to make a promise?
I read in Romans 9 this morning and in verse 11 there's a bit that says "what God did in this case made it perfectly plain that his purpose is not a hit-or-miss thing dependent on what we do or don't do, but a sure thing determined by HIS decision, flowing steadily from HIS initiative."
A little further into the chapter it says:  "God told Moses,'I'm in charge of mercy. I'm in charge of compassion.' Compassion doesn't originate in our bleeding hearts or moral sweat, but in God's mercy."
So, what I'm reading here is that it is ALL about God, not me at all. He makes the promises for me, and enables me to act upon them.. He gives me compassion for ALL His people. He is the one that takes the initiative in my life. He is the one in charge here.
Am I allowing this to happen in my life? I look at Jesus and all that He has said and done.  He has asked me to live as He lives. To live for eternity and walk His walk. To live out His promises and to show others what those promises are.  They are my promises.  And, when I do that, He brings mercy and compassion into my life. Living the life of promise, God's promise, opens up a whole new world.  It gives me tolerance for those that have done wrong towards me.  It gives me love. It gives me a desire to keep on going and to share His promise, His compassion, His love.
His Spirit is one with me. So, walking the Jesus walk is my choice. This Spirit within me strives for the promises of Jesus to be so real, that there is no other option for me. This Spirit loves ALL people, even those that seem unlovable. It is something only He can do through me, it is not me at all.
Jesus calls people like me, a nobody, and He makes me a somebody IN Him. He calls the unloved and He makes them beloved.  He asks me to do the same. I am His living child, commissioned to be real, transparent, and without the walls I think I need. Honest. Open. Full of Jesus, and covered by Jesus. He is the protector of my soul, not my walls.
Oh Jesus! Enable me to live out your promises today. Enable me to have your compassion towards others and to love them.
 Say That Again to me, It's You, not me.


  1. This is such an inspirational post, Bethany! I've actually been to a conference on this theme: "God's promises", and among other amazing ideas that came home with me, there's this one thing that stuck in my brain. There's these few words a pastor in mission to China wrote in a letter to his wife: "Don't worry about me honey. I am really more than blessed! I have 50 cents in my pocket and all God's promises. I think I'll be all right:)" What an amazing Lord we have, right?!:)
    I am so glad I found your blog and I am now following you thanks to Friend Finding Fridays, and it would be so nice if you could share the love back on my blog;)
    Also today we have the coolest blog hop there is... no rules just fun and would love you to join in with us at Boost My Blog Friday, where you can meet lots of friends and have a great time:) See you there!
    Happy Friday

  2. Good morning!
    I found you through Friend Finding Friday. So glad I did.
    I am so thankful when God makes a promise, He keeps it! He is so trustworthy!
    Hope you'll hop over to visit my blog!
    Have a blessed day.


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