Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Road

There's a road that I'll be traveling on this Sunday, a journey in my car with a friend.  I'm looking forward to going, and we are leaving early--6am! My bag is packed, and I even have new socks. I've got some books, and my computer will go along too. My Bible and my journal, totally set. We are headed East, and the road is long and parts of it are windy. The weather could be stormy, but hopefully it will be clear and sunny. Whatever the case, we will drive right on through, knowing God will get us to our destination.
Life is a journey, and God is getting me through it.  The road I have traveled in my life and will continue to travel is sometimes clear and sunny, other times it is very stormy. Whichever way, I have learned to praise Him. Naturally, life is far more challenging when it's stormy.  Right now, life is stormy for me. There is that constant trial that seems to just loom over me, and occasionally I have a hard time keeping my head above water. The road I'm traveling has required patience, faith, love, strength, and hope.  God offers all of that to me, if I am able to just let Him be the One in control!
He has carried me on such an amazing road, and when I look back at everything, I know that God is real and true. His love it so intense and He has pursued me so fiercely with such a passionate love, how could I not do the same for Him?
The road has been riddled with abuse, spiritual trauma, heartache and loss. But, through the storms on this road, He has never left me. He has encouraged me, waited for me, yearned for me, and given me freedom from horrible chains. In return, I want to serve Him, and I want to speak of His Glory. I want to be integrated In Him and Him alone. His peace will be with me along this road that I travel on with Him. He is the leader, and His Spirit grows me into whatever He desires.
So, I journey with Him. The fruit of His Spirit dwells within me and I grow with each trial.  I have learned that He can do all things. He can accomplish through me His joy and His blessings, His peace, His love, and I can be assured that it will all work out for His good. If I continue to stay on the road He has laid out for me, I will have a heart like His Father. I will desire to speak to Him all throughout the day, and I will be always open to His bidding. I am His and His alone, the road he takes me on is His choice, not mine. It is all about Him, not me.
So, come and travel this road with me, it's an adventure! It's worth it, because He died for my soul, and my reward for traveling this road, is eternal life.  I have this eternal life right now, full and beautiful In Him.
Say That Again, Lord, Jesus, when the road is rocky and hard, carry me, lift me, and bring me closer to you.


  1. Drive safely! Hope your trip is fun and fruitful. Blessings!

  2. Have a great and safe journey, He will be with you, guiding you through the stormy weather and along the windy road. I hope and pray you find the answers you are looking for along the way ... Have a wonderful adventure and God bless you!


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